Bob Miller Award

Robert E. “Bob” Miller
Community Service Award

Press Release Nov 14, 2014

Front Royal – The Front Royal Rotary Club presented the sixth Annual Robert E. “Bob” Miller Community Service Award today at its meeting to Mr. John C. LaBarca. John has been a member of the Rotary Club of Front Royal since 1990 and is a double Paul Harris Fellow and Sustaining Member. – Read the full press release here
BACKGROUND Dr. Robert E. “Bob” Miller served the Front Royal community as a dentist for 67 years. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Front Royal for 75 years. His dedication to his patients, clubs, and community were always in the forefront of what he did. It is with the memory of Bob and his Service and Dedication to the community that the Rotary Club of Front Royal is very proud to present to a member of the Community the “Robert E. “Bob” Miller Community Service Award”. OBJECTIVE It is the objective of the Rotary Club of Front Royal to recognize individuals within the Front Royal-Warren County Community for contributions that improve the quality of life of its citizens. The award is named after Robert E. “Bob” Miller in recognition of his 75 years of membership in the Rotary Club of Front Royal, and his Service to the Front Royal-Warren County Community. Recipients shall have demonstrated a commitment of service and dedication to the community through their vocation, public service, philanthropy or civic service to the community to make a lasting impression on the community. ELIGIBILITY Recipients should meet the following criteria:
  • Shall have been an active member of the community for at least 10 years.
  • Shall have made an lasting impact on the Front Royal-Warren County community
  • Must have demonstrated the highest in ethical standards in their personal and professional lives
NOMINATIONS Each year the Nominations Committee of the Rotary Club of Front Royal shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors of a candidate to receive the award by June 1st. The Board of Directors shall then vote to affirm or deny the recommendation. The Club will make the award at a meeting in the month of August (Bob Miller’s birth month).
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